Admissions meeting and student assessment
Once we receive a completed admission package with all relevant information — including psycho-educational assessments (if available), previous report cards, any private therapy assessments/information, SLP assessments (if available), and any other pertinent information — we will set up an admissions meeting.
During the admissions meeting, parents meet with our Director of Education who will then spend some time with the student.Following the admissions meeting, should it be determined that our school is a good fit for the child, a student assessment will be arranged. Our student assessment is conducted by our Director of Education to determine exactly what level the student is working at. Parents can expect this assessment to take a couple of hours.
Once the student assessment is completed, the Director of Education, the classroom teacher and if required our Clinical Director will work to create a personalized learning plan for the student. When the plan is complete, the parents will be called to discuss the results of both the assessment and the learning plan.